Greenlight Networks is a fiber-optic internet provider based out of Rochester, NY. Greenlight is providing the fastest internet connection in New York State directly to the home. Building Greenlight’s fiber network involves significant design, planning and construction to lay hundreds of miles of new fiber-optic cable.
Our #1 goal is to connect as many homes to our network as possible – but it has to be done right. The steps below detail the process we take to build a Greenlight district. The Greenlight team takes pride in our product and service and we are not willing to compromise on our attention to detail and quality. Although waiting for service in your Greenlight district can be frustrating, please know our team is working hard to bring fiber to you!
Greenlight’s 5 step process
Evaluate: When deciding when and where to build next, our team first takes a look at a number of factors such as demand. Additionally, we take into account cost and complexity of building a network. As well as the number of easements and permits required, among other factors. Average time: 2 month
- Design & Utility Pole Process: Once a location is selected to be built, it’s time for the network engineering to begin. This process involves the engineering team evaluating a district and constructing a plan for laying the fiber as well as begin to identify where easements may be required. This is also the time that our team will begin the utility pole application process. Our team is locating and evaluating necessary poles and getting required permissions to access these poles in order to properly construct our infrastructure. Average time: 6-12 months.
- Schedule: After the network design is complete, this district is ready to be added to our construction schedule. Keep in mind that various districts will be on this schedule at once, so we must add in each district accordingly. During this time we will be reaching out to you to place your pre-order for service. Average time: 1 month.
- Build: It’s go time! Our team will now be obtaining all final permits necessary to build and begin laying the fiber in the district. Construction can be completed aerially or underground or a combination, depending on the utilities currently in your neighborhood. Average time: 5 months.
- Install: Once a district becomes serviceable, customers will be notified that it is time to place your order and schedule your installation so a Fiber Technician can connect your home with New York’s Fastest Fiber-Optic Internet Provider! Once your installation is complete, you are ready to stream, surf and explore using your new fiber-optic internet connection. Average time: 1 month.
*Please note: all timelines vary by district and outside factors.
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